My precious friend asked me how I am able to live with a joyful heart in the wake of experiencing such a traumatic, devastating, and unsolved loss. I explained that every second, every minute, and every hour of every day I have to make a conscious decision to move toward joy…and it is so very, very hard. Anxiety has been an unwanted companion of mine most of my life, but with consistent counseling and authentic, supportive friends I have been able to implement healthy habits and strategies in order to diminish it.
However, my mindset after Toby’s unsolved murder allowed tentacles of anxiety to sprout and grow, choking positivity and destroying joy. Jesus’ never-ending unconditional love, encouraging friends, and knowledgeable therapists gently rescued me from crippling anxiety that held me captive. I had to re-learn how to step out of my ‘safe spaces’ and familiar comfort zones in order to continue renewing my adventurous spirit one tiny step at a time. I will have to do this for the rest of my life.
I have learned that tiny steps forward will continue to turn into confident, bold strides. Please be gentle, patient and kind to yourself. Seek joy and delight in the little things. No longer do you have to do ‘this’ alone because you are His, and He will never abandon you. You are dearly loved and cherished by the One who is with you, and who has saved you.
Rest in His promises.
-Claire Cunningham
2309 Park Street, Jacksonville, Fl 32204
In-person and virtual sessions are available
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