The bible discusses fruit a lot. My pastor, one of my favorite people on earth, discussed abiding in fruit today at church. It reminds me of the choices we have in life with what is given to us. We go through pain and suffering whether it is our choices leading to these painful consequences or someone else's choices that we reap from. No matter what, there is a sewing and a reaping. Growing up with my dad was not always joyful. In fact when he was murdered, I had such a complex grief because I was in deep pain and confusion while also attempting to accept that his choices and brokenness contributed to this loss. Hear me when I say, he did not cause his own murder nor does anyone. But what I am saying is that we all have a choice. The definition for bearing fruit is yielding positive results. My dad was treated less than humane as a child. He had wounds so deep that we reaped some of those while he was alive. BUT in those wounds, he found hope, love, and change through Jesus. Though he fathered us through these wounds in a way that hurt, he also fathered us in a way that we did not experience the pain he did. He showed us something different: God. We understood the power of God. This was my dad's fruit.
A fruit tree has hanging fruit and how does one get the fruit from it? We shake it. Pain and loss shake us to our core. Losing a loved one to murder shakes us to our core in a way nobody can describe with words. To know it is to live it. Throughout this loss, I have learned the fruit I CHOOSE to bear. I want to love well. I want to understand love and pain in a compassionate way. And most of all, I want to help others. I could not allow this pain to swallow me up and harden me. Healing Roots is founded on hope. A hope only understanding sovereignty can provide. The God who is sovereign over all things may lead us into times that are deeply painful, but one thing that remains is his ability to use it. He uses it through our willingness to bear it as fruit. We can choose to bear kindness, love, compassion, forgiveness, hope, and HEALING even in this pain. Allow this pain to be used to yield positive results. Do not let the pain and those who caused it to win, let hope and love win always.
REFLECTION: Breathe and ask yourself, how can I bear fruit from this pain? (this is not always a big thing like starting a company or some huge organization, this can be as simple as gratitude or spending time with those you love and not isolating.)
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